• Your Daily Mindhike is a portal, an aggregator of websites, links, articles that can inspire you, learn something, make you think on a different plane.  Use these links to get out of your normal workday, think out of the box and jiggle your brainwaves!
    • 6.28.2011: Creativity at Work, a TedTalk that is beautiful visually with a short message. This guy is a trip! Beautiful pics of Singapore make me want to visit my friend over there!
    • 6/27/2011: Psychology Today article,  Just Deal With It - Sometimes the best you can do is accept your feelings, as they appear, accept yourself for having them and let them happen. Very zen-like approach with quotes from a favorite, Dr. Martin Seligman.
    • 6/26/2011: Psychology Today: What Defines Character - great article that helps parents who are trying to encourage character in kids and in oneself.
    • 6/25/2011: Zen Habits: Myths about Discipline, the title says it all.  Interesting concept, not quite sure if I agree with it all.
    • 6/24/2011: New York Times: David Brooks on Humanism, brilliant writer.  I like thinking about how to inspire these traits in my kids.
    • 6/23/2011:The Happiness Project: Battling Loneliness. Nice lesson.  Gretchen Rubin's blog is a favorite.